My Life's has been inspired by the disruption to yours
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Generational Change

Generational Change

Power shifts from organizations to individuals and from brands to consumers
Four years after founding my company helping students transition from school to work, I published one of the first books in the world on the emerging Millennial workforce. Its best-seller status propelled me out of classrooms and into the boardrooms of some of the largest companies in the world seeking to attract and connect with the next generation.
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“My Dad almost killed me when I set the record for the fastest exit from the PWC Graduate Program (8 days). He felt better a few years later when my company was hired to redesign it.”

Shared Value

Do Well by Doing Good

Using purpose to connect brands with the next generation
Consumers and talent were waking up to the importance of values alignment, so we pioneered a community investment platform delivering in-school programs that measurably improved lives, whilst building relevance and reputation for trail blazers like Apple, IBM, and CBA in the process.
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“I didn’t want to limit my impact to the scale of my personal platform, so I had to grow from opinionated-thought-leader to CEO-in-the-trenches… It was a humbling experience.”

Flipping Disruption

Flipping Disruption into Opportunity

From strategically aligned community investment to true organizational transformation
Everything was being disrupted – how we live, work and buy. We had a solution for what was happening outside the company but sustained change required a true transformation on the inside as well. We started applying our behavior change expertise to the leaders and cultures of clients like Cardinal Health, Mondelez, DeBeers and Microsoft.
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“I couldn’t just tell leaders the world is changing, I had to stand in the fire with them as they did the hard work of repositioning their companies for the new world.”

Value Creation

Inspiring Companies to Matter More

Shifting the business strategy from value-extraction to value-creation
5 years of focused research, and the decades of applied global experience of our 120+ staff confirms that in order to become the obvious choice in the hearts and minds of your customers you must solve problems worthy of mattering more in their lives. Leaders must focus their companies on the impact they can have, to earn the returns they want.
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“The converging forces of change give rise to emerging new opportunities to add value, so we chose to partner only with purpose-driven CEOs living up to their own disruptive potential.”

Generational Change

Accelerating Growth through Transformation

From working hard in agreement, to doing the hard work of alignment
EY acquires our community investment platform, so we can focus on what we do best — accelerating growth through leadership transformation. The performance of an organization is a direct reflection on the alignment of its leadership team, so we stand in the fire with leaders looking to move from being in agreement with their ambition, to being in true alignment with it.
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“The unexpected pain of selling something you love is outweighed by the opportunity to multiply our impact by partnering with courageous leaders pursuing extraordinary growth.”


After 15 years of standing in the fire with leaders of high-performing organizations, Peter Sheahan has come to believe that an organization will only go commercially where its leaders first grow personally.

Having grown his own companies by accelerating growth and transformation for Apple, Chick-fil-A, DeBeers, and AT&T — Peter will provoke you to get bigger, by getting better! When leaders are true to their purpose, they gravitate towards doing work that matters and solving higher-order problems. The journey to get there requires that they have the courage to tell themselves the truth, take intelligent risks, and assume ownership for driving the alignment necessary to build an organization which behaves in ways worthy of its leadership position.

In being true to his own ambitions and relentless pursuit of growth, Peter has published seven books, built three global companies and delivered more than 3,000 presentations in 40+ countries. Today he and his team are focused exclusively on inspiring leaders to do the hard work required to enable growth and transformation.

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